Gathering the information and preparing case studies can be a real drain on your resources; sometimes it can be hard to prioritise it over other pressing tasks. But you know that a shining example of your best work, endorsed by a very happy customer, is so hugely valuable. These are worth their weight in gold when it comes to convincing your prospects that yours is the right business for the job.
Using our managed service to gather the information and produce a co-branded case study, means you can stay focussed on delivering. You won’t have to worry that the goodwill you are earning is going to waste. We’ll convert it into rich, influential and trustworthy feedback for you, which your prospects are already looking for on your website right now. Remember, these case studies are independently validated and prepared by us making them truly influential.
We’ll interview your customer in a convenient phone call write the case study itself and send it to your customer for written validation. We’ll design the document layout and then once you are happy we will provide it to you in two formats, one suitable for use on your own website and another that utilises your company colours that can be used for promotional purposes, on social media or in printed form. We can even arrange for any number to be printed and delivered to you.